Institute of Education, University of London
We provided heritage advice throughout the development of proposals for the extension of the Institute’s grade I listed building (by Denys Lasdun), and improving its connection to a Georgian listed terrace in Woburn Square. We managed, and gave evidence at, a successful appeal against refusal of the scheme by LB Camden.
Carlton Cinema, Essex Road, LB Islington
We gave heritage and enabling development evidence for LB Islington in its successful defence of appeals against refusal of consent to develop both under and over this grade II* listed former cinema.
Beeleigh Abbey, Essex
We managed an informal hearing into an appeal against refusal of consent not to reinstate cement render to the brickwork of a 1914 kitchen extension to this grade I listed house; the appeal was upheld.
Stansted Airport
We were instructed by a consortium of local authorities led by Essex County Council to draw together and present the historic environment evidence against the proposed second runway at Stansted Airport. The application was withdrawn on the eve of the inquiry.
Birmingham Jewellery Quarter
We acted as expert witness for the City Council in two appeal cases concerning proposed residential development in the Jewellery Quarter, to the detriment of its historic character and economy; one withdrawn on receipt of our evidence, the other won at public inquiry.
Institute of Education, University of London
Carlton Cinema, LB Islington
Listed building near Stansted