Conservation policy and guidance
Drafting high level policy for the sustainable management of the historic environment, and guidance on general conservation issues for national heritage bodies, government departments and local authorities.
Research studies and reports
Undertaking thematic research and analysis of issues affecting the historic environment, including heritage strategies.
Strategic conservation advice
Advising on development in the historic environment, including the management of views and settings of major heritage assets. Providing expert advice to the Heritage Lottery Fund on Heritage Grants and Townscape Heritage schemes.
Conservation management plans and statements
Developing coherent policies for the management of complex historic buildings and places, informed by understanding their historical evolution and significance.
Expert witness
Appearing as an expert witness on conservation issues at hearings and public inquiries.
Feasibility studies and options appraisals
Leading or working within a team of specialists, usually including business consultants, architects, structural engineers and cost consultants, we provide a detailed analysis of the heritage significance of a place, which informs functional, design and delivery options for its sustainable re-use.
Enabling development
Providing advice on securing the future of endangered historic buildings and sites through development which would otherwise be against local planning policy.
Conservation area appraisals and historic area characterisation
Preparing conservation area character appraisals and management proposals and undertaking analysis and characterisation studies of historic areas.
Advice to owners and developers
Providing advice on the architectural and historical significance of listed buildings and potential for change in connection with applications for planning permission and listed building consent.