Evaluation of conservation outcomes of heritage grants projects (2007)
We undertook phase I of this Heritage Lottery Fund research on schemes funded under its Heritage Grants programme. Representing a spend of nearly £28 million, the case studies included a Turkish Bath, an Iron Age hillfort, an historic docks complex, and the environs of a major monument at the heart of a World Heritage Site.

Streamlining listed building consent - lessons from the use of management agreements (2003)
A two-year project on the use of Management Agreements for listed buildings, commissioned by English Heritage and the Department for Communities and Local Government (then DETR). It provided the basis for developing Heritage Partnership Agreements eventually introduced in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013.

Park Mansions at Risk in London (2004)
A study undertaken jointly for English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund into the key issues affecting the repair and re-use of nine mansions at risk in public parks in London. The original study proposed strategies for developing solutions and, in 2013, we revisited all the case studies to identify successful development models for a review report.

Conservation Basics (2012)
We contributed, particularly, the introductory chapter on the evolving concept of building conservation, in Volume 1 of the English Heritage series Practical Building Conservation (2013).

Hill Hall: A singular House devised by a Tudor Intellectual (2009)
This book, written by Paul Drury with Richard Simpson, and published by the Society of Antiquaries (2009), tells the story of Hill Hall in Essex, rebuilt twice by Sir Thomas Smith between 1557 and 1573. He drew heavily on his experience as an ambassador to the French Court, to produce a personal interpretation of Renaissance architecture and decoration unique in England.

The Council of Europe

We advised the Cultural Heritage and Landscape division on pilot studies for monitoring European Conventions on the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage in Europe.






