PEOPLE continued
Michael Copeman MSc BA DipArchCons IHBC, who has worked with the partnership since 2008, is a building conservation specialist with over 20 years’ experience in the public and private sectors, including 5 years with Essex County Council’s Historic Buildings Department, 6 years with the Heritage Lottery Fund advising on grants programmes and 5 years leading the design and conservation team at the London Borough of Lambeth.
Practice Administrator
Susan McGrath BSc(Hons) Civil Eng took a degree in Civil Engineering and worked for design and construction companies in the oil industry before having children. She joined the practice part-time in January 2008 and is responsible for accounting, invoicing and much else. Susan finds the administration duties of the partnership fit well with family life.
Jenny Pearce MA (Cantab) DipArch MA (Kingston) IHBC, who has worked for the practice on a consultancy basis since 2004, is an architect with extensive experience in implementing strategic planning policies and guidance for sustainable conservation and new design in historic areas, including some fifteen year as Principal Planning Officer, Urban Design and Conservation at the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Jenny has particular skills in conservation area appraisal and townscape characterisation.
Michael Copeman
Susan McGrath